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Keeping warm, especially at night, is crucial to surviving outdoors; not to mention fire is both entertaining and provides security from any curious wildlife.  It's important to put some thought into the tool you are going to use depending on your situation. In this article we will discuss the pros and cons of various tools we can go over a few best practices when getting ready to go on your adventure.  Presuming we are focusing on recreational camping over survival, there are a few key things to consider when preparing: First, you'll need to assess your skill level and experience starting...

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The Five C’s of Survival or Survivability, credit Dave Canterbury of Self Reliance Outfitters (known from Discovery shows such as Dual Survival and his book series on Bushcraft), are based on essential tools: a cutting tool, a combustion device, cover, a container, and cordage. To some, a standard cutting tool from a multi-tool or pocket knife to a full tang bushcraft blade is top priority in their Every Day Carry *(EDC). The number of uses for a cutting tool are too many to list. The size of the blade and it's efficiency in any given scenario is completely dependent on several variables...

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For as long as I can remember, I've always had a love for sleeping outdoors in the summer months, I've done it all from under the stars or just a bug net, all kinds of different types of tents, all the way up to log cabins or shanty hunting/fishing camps. 

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